Crystal Wand Necklace
Crystal Wand Necklace
Beautiful crystal wand necklaces on 18” hand cut, Italian leather cord.
For centuries and across cultures, crystals and stones have fascinated people and have been thought to possess healing properties, connect us to a spiritual plane, and to raise vibrational energy. Different attributes are assigned to each crystal and wearing crystals as jewelry can connect the wearer to those elements.
Howlite - attunement and consciousness
Mookaite Jasper - confidence and ambition
Lapis Lazuli - wisdom, royalty and reduced melancholy
Rose quartz - tenderness and self-love
Moss agate - abundance
Rhodonite - nurturing, emotional healing and centering
Snow Obsidian - purity and protection from nightmares
Tiger Eye - observation and luck
Red Jasper - empowerment and freedom from abuse
Amethyst - creativity and calm
Hematite - alleviates negative energy
Quartz - harmony
Brecciated Jasper - clarity and focus
Sodalite - self-acceptance
Tree agate - inner peace
Rainforest Jasper - strengthens earth connection